This was not a movie I would have gone out of my way to see, but during my recent travels in Columbia, I decided to catch a movie at the local cinema and this was the only thing they had playing in English. My time would have been better spend looking at posters out front.
This movie has absolutely 0% originality. The plot is this - a rogue troop of U.S. Marines battling Aliens on a Los Angelous freeway. During the fight the Marines attempt to shelter a lost family. There is some plot twist where a secret about the Staff Sargent in Command is discovered, but it is not at all made clear. This movie was a lot of things, but most of all it was badly written. The special effects were decent, but tremendously overused. The action was decent, no A-List names, pretty much what you'd expect from a mid-budget action flick. I didn't expect to be impressed, but this was just a horrible movie, in every manner of speaking. Of course judging by the title, "Battle: LA" anyone with a second grade education should be able to guess this isn't a movie worth seeing. Anyone considering watching this movie should save their money and go do anything else. As of today Battle:LA is number three on my list of worst movies ever made.
1 Star