Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just Go With It

Decent, but too much romance for the genre

Happy Madison productions got it's name from two early movies it's founder, Adam Sandler stared in; Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. Those were both rude, raunchy comedies. Since then, the company has produced many movies, among them The Benchwarmers, Blades of Glory, and Grown Ups. When this movie first hit theaters I expected lots of laughs and crude humor. I was sorely disappointed. This isn't a bad movie but it just had too much romance for the Happy Madison genre. A good way to phrase it would be "Just Go With It is 80% romance and 20% raunch. Not cool Adam Sandler, not cool at all.

Sandler stars as Dr. Danny Mcabee, a successful, single plastic surgeon who uses a fake wedding ring to score with women. Things go great for him until the one girl he actually falls for discovers his secret. In order to cover up his story Danny enlists the help of his office aid Catherine (Jennifer Aniston) to pose as his soon to be ex-wife. That is supposed to be the end of it, but couldn't you guess it, through a series of unfortunate events, Danny is soon forced to drag her kids into his web of lies as well. One thing leads to another and before Danny knows what's happening, everyone (that's right, everyone) is headed to Hawaii for some fun in the sun and more chaos than anyone is prepared for. Don't go looking for Adam Sandler's usual potty humor but this actually isn't a bad date movie. It's got just enough romance to hold a woman's interest and just enough laughs to keep a man entertained.

4 Stars

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