Monday, February 20, 2012


Will make you laugh out loud but also touch your heart.

We're used to seeing Seth Rogen in crass films such as "Knocked Up," "Pineapple Express," "Zack and Miri Make a Porno"..ect, playing crass roles. In this movie, however, Rogen manages to play the same obnoxious character but actually come across as almost deep.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Adam, a 27 year old young man whose life is pretty good until he discovers that he has a rare spinal cancer. Aided by his crude friend Kyle (Rogen) and seemingly perfect girlfriend Rachel (Bryce Dallas Howard) he begins the slow, painful path to recover, paved with heartbreak, painful reality checks, and overbearing parents. Through it all though, Adam keeps his head up because he knows he has a 50/50 chance of conquering this disease. As Kyle says "If you were a game in a casino, you'd be the one with the highest odds. On the whole, Adam's journey is more one of self discovery than anything else. He is also aided by a cute but somewhat quirky therapist (Anna Kendrick) who proves surprisingly useful in helping him sort out his life, in more ways than one. This movie isn't a comedy but it does have some good laughs and plenty of heart. What are the odds you will enjoy it? I'd say at least 50/50

4 Stars

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