Friday, January 21, 2011

Social Distortion - Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes

True - Blue Fans Will Not Be Disappointed

Social Distortion never ceases to amaze me.
As a long time fan I was pumped when I heard Social D was putting together a new album. I bought it the day it came out and upon hearing the first two songs was not disappointed. It's a solid album with ten solid songs - nothing that compares to "Sick Boys," or "Born to Lose" but its good stuff. Be warned though, the sound is different (different meaning bluesy and slower than their earlier albums.) Mike Ness experimented with the blues years ago on "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell" with "Bad Luck" and now he seems to be using that style on a whole album. His voice is still buried behind the mic but if you don't mind that you won't mind this album. The top songs would have to be "Machine Gun Blues," "Alone and Forsaken," and "California (Hustle and Flow)" which for some reason unclear to me was offered on iTunes as the free "single of the week" the week of the album's release. Seems strange but hey, when Owl City's "Fireflies" was first released on iTunes it was also the "Single of the Week" and a few weeks later it was number one on the charts. God knows I hate Owl City but I love Social Distortion. Give this album a spin.

4 1/2 Stars

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