Saturday, February 5, 2011


Pure Cinematic Garbage

Hollywood has turned out so many pieces of trash over the years I won't even bother to list them all. I don't like to review bad movies but I just have to warn anyone thinking about watching this cinematic abortion..DON'T. Simply put, Norbit is the worst movie ever made.

This movie doesn't have a witty line of dialogue in it. Its gross, irreverent, offensive, and beyond crass. Eddie Murphy really should only play one role per movie. The story tells of a nice guy (title character) who through a messed up childhood and a string of unfortunate events ends up married to a disgusting, vile woman known as Rasputia (also played by Murphy). She is obese, arrogant, and cruel, not to mention controlling. Norbit wants nothing more than to ditch his repulsive spouse who he does not love, but Resputia is backed by her three older brothers, Big Terry, Earl, and Mac, who are all large, violent, and cruel. Knowing her husband is powerless against her, Resputia treats Norbit horribly. He is miserable enough, but when his beautiful former crush moves back into town (played by Thadia Newton) Norbit's world threatens to explode. There's more to the plot, but frankly its just not worth discussing.

Just how fat is Resputia? When she and Norbit visit a water park she has to lift up her stomach to show she's wearing bottoms. If that's your kind of humor, Norbit is hilarious. If not, stay away. This is the only movie I've seen that truly ears a negative number of stars. Save your money and watch something else.

-5 Stars

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