Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sherlock Holmes

Odd Cast, Awesome Movie

When I first got wind of this movie's cast, I was skeptical, like most Americans. I mean, Robert Downy Jr. as Holmes was surprise enough, but Jude Law as Dr. Watson? That got me thinking. I wasn't sure that turning Watson into a sex symbol was a good idea. I was wrong.

This movie was well cast, well written, well acted, well shot and in short, well everything. The special effects were great and the leads, Downy Jr and Law were great. Rachel McAdams was wonderfully cast in her role as Ms. Adler, the only woman capable of capturing Holmes's heart. Mark Strong was good too, as the villain, Lord Blackwood. This is one movie that truly has it all, action, romance, frightening moments, and just about everything else. Mark my words, this movie will have you out of your seat giving Holmes and Watson a standing ovation as the end credits roll. Not sure if this movie qualifies as action, drama or something else, but whatever genre it is, its great. This is one movie that should not be missed by anyone.

5 Stars

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