Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger

First and Biggest Name in Young Adult Fiction. Emphasis on First

I'm like tons of American teenagers. I enjoy reading but I can rarely find a book that I simply can't put down. When The Catcher in the Rye was assigned as an English assignment I didn't think much of it. I had heard mixes reviews from adults and teens alike regarding the book. I knew, however, that it had once been banned in schools and I was curious as to why. By the end of the first chapter I knew I had stumbled upon something special.

I'm sure your familiar with Holden Caulfield, the depressed and complex heroine of Catcher in the Rye. Confused and unsure of himself and what he wants he runs away from his posh Prep School and heads to New York City before telling his parents that he's been expelled form yet another school. He wanters through the city almost in a daze where he encounters, old friends, old flames, prostitutes and their pimps and eventually his own younger sister, the sole human being who he feels truly understands him.

Told in a remarkable teenager like voice, this is truly a book every teenager should read. I think everyone can find a little bit of Holden Caulfield if they search deep enough. Its not an overly long book but I sometimes wish it was. Its really a remarkable book, the likes of which have never been seen since.

5 Stars

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