Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Guess the Stock Market isn't the Only Thing that's Recently Crashed...

Money never sleeps but Oliver Stone sure does. This follow up to the Douglas/Sheen classic was began filming 23 years after the first. That's right, 23 years. Oliver Stone, like many filmmakers seemed to have fallen asleep at the wheel, but when it looked like bad times were coming he seized his chance to step back into action.

Shia LaBeouf is truly a rarity among today's young stars. He went from Disney Channel to Wall Street, I'd like to see Miley Cyrus do that. LaBeouf plays Jake, an ambitious young trader who just so happens to be dating the daughter of fallen Wall Street kingpin Gordon Gekko. Just as he's set to propose to his girlfriend Gekko is released from prison and his mentor, Lou (skillfully portrayed by Frank Langella) takes his own life when his company boots him. Josh Brolin is solid as Bretton James, greedy new megalomaniac behind Lou's demise. Gekko's daughter has a broke relationship with her father which she doesn't want to fix. Jake wants to fix things for them but discovers that the deeper he goes, the worse things get. All that said, its not a bad movie, by any means. "I once said that greed was good, not it seems its legal" states Gekko. "We take a buck, shoot it with steroids and call it leverage." This movie should hit home for anyone who lost money or was hurt in any way when the stock market crashed in 2008. If you liked the original give Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps a try.

4 Stars

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